Welcome to the DPSC blog

Hello and welcome to the brand new Drugs Policy and Social Change ( DPSC) blog.

Drugs, Policy and Social Change (DPSC) is a research group based in the Department of Sociology and Criminology in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. We are a collective of academics researching and teaching in the field of alcohol and other drugs. DPSC runs a large UG option at Level 5, which is focused on understanding drug-related harm and debate global drug policy approaches, and a Substance Use pathway within our (MA) Applied Criminology at Level 7.

Our team is keen to supervise student research projects and PhD studies that connect with our specialisms including drug trends (local, national, global); treatment and harm reduction; values, cultures, and moralities; drug supply; and policing of drug laws within localised contexts. . Our mission is to inspire change and foster a deeper comprehension of drug-related issues through innovative research and education.

DPSC is focused upon reimagining drug policy through collective and creative methodologies, including co-design and participatory approaches; ethnography; and discourse studies and narrative approaches. We work cross-department and faculty and are connected to researchers in design, photography and art, chemistry, as well as social work and public health.

Our goal is to facilitate policy impact and drive positive social change. Through our research, we aim to influence practice and engage the public. One of our key initiatives is the Drug Policy Voices podcast, which serves as a platform for public engagement and discussion on drug policy issues. We believe in nurturing the next generation of researchers who will continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and influence policy.

Follow along on social media for updates on research, an introduction to the work being completed and events going on: